Constitution of the “International Association of Legislation e.V.”
§ 1 Name, Seat, Financial Year
(1) The association bears the name “International Association of Legislation” (Internationale Gesellschaft für Gesetzgebung) and is to be entered into the record of associations; after being registered the letters “e.V.” will be added.
(2) The association is seated in Bonn.
(3) The financial year of the association shall be the calendar year.
§ 2 Purpose
(1) The purpose of the association is to promote science and research in the field of legislation. Therefore, international cooperation should be strengthened. Good laws are the basis for liberty and prosperity.
(2) The means by which the constitutional aims are to be pursued are particularly:
a) Conferences, seminars and lectures to permit open discussion of the scientific and practical problems of legislation.
b) The publication and circulation of new findings which are important in improving legislation.
c) A commitment to achieving greater attention to legislation in research, education and further training.
d) Cooperation with similar national and international associations.
§ 3 Charitable Status
(1) The sole and immediate purpose of the society is to serve the objectives listed under § 2 which are non-profit-making and particularly worthy of fiscal assistance in the sense of the section of the fiscal law entitled “aims deserving reduced taxation”. The work of the association is unselfish; its aim is not primarily to further its own financial position.
(2) The association’s funds may only be used for purposes in agreement with the constitution. Members receive no financial contributions from the association’s funds. No person shall benefit from any payment that is not in accordance with the aim of the association or which is disproportionally high.
(3) Should the association be dissolved or annulled or the tax advantaged purpose cease to exist, the society’s funds shall devolve on the Verein Deutsche Stiftung für internationale rechtliche Zusammenarbeit e.V, Bonn, which must use it immediately and solely for non-profit-making purposes.
§ 4 Membership
(1) Membership of the association may be granted to natural or legal persons and also to other institutions entitled to carry out legal transactions.
(2) The board decides on the admission of members.
(3) Membership terminates with the death of a member, his/her resignation or his/her expulsion. A member may resign with effect from the end of the year by giving written notice to the board. Expulsion may achieved by decision of the board if an important reason exists; this is the case particularly, when a member culpably and grossly violates the interests of the association.
§5 Organs
The association is made up of the board, the advisory council and the general assembly.
§6 Board
(1) The board is made up of the chairman and at least four vice-chairpersons. The members of the board share the business between themselves at their own discretion.
(2) The association is represented judicially and extrajudicially by the chairman or alternatively by one of the vice-chairpersons.
§7 Responsibilities of the Board
The board is responsible for all the affairs of the association, in so far as these are not allocated by the constitution to another organ of the association, In particular it has the following duties:
a) to prepare, convene and conduct the general assemblies;
b) to carry out resolutions passed by the general assembly;
c) to conduct the financial affairs;
d) to draw up a report on the management of business every two years;
e) to decide upon the admission and expulsion of members.
§8 Election and Period of Office of the Board
The board is elected for a period of two years commencing in the day of the elections. It remains in office until a new board has been elected. It is possible for members of the board to be re-elected.
§9 Board Meetings and Resolutions
(1) The board generally makes its resolutions during board meeting. When a board meetingis convened, notice should be given at least three weeks in advance.
(2) The board is quorate if at least three of its members are present. A resolution is passed by obtaining the majority of the valid votes. In the event of a tied vote the leader of the board meeting shall have the casting vote.
(3) The board may adopt a resolution in writing if all members of the board are in agreement concerning the subject of the resolution.
§10 Advisory Council
The members of the advisory council advise the board on fundamental matters, especially with respect to the association’s work programme.
§11 General Assembly
The general assembly is the assembly of the members. The general assembly is responsible
for the following matters :
a) electing the members of the board, the advisory council and the auditor;
b) accepting the board’s report on the management of business, approving the accounts,
releasing the board;
c) fixing membership fees;
d) deciding upon changes in the constitution and upon the dissolution of the association.
§12 Convening of the General Assembly
The general assembly is to be convened by the board at least once every two years. At least four weeks prior notice of the meeting must be given in writing, stating the agenda.
§13 Resolutions and Elections in the General Assembly
(1) The general assembly is led by the chairman or if he is prevented from coming by one of the vice-chairpersons. The assembly has a quorum independently of the number of members present.
(2) In general a resolution is passed by the general assembly if it receives a simple majority of the valid votes cast: abstentions are not counted. For changes to the constitution a two-thirds majority and for the dissolution of the association three-quarters of the valid votes are required.
(3) In elections the candidate who receives more than half the valid votes cast a final ballot is held between the two candidates who received the most votes.
(4) Minutes are to be kept on resolutions passed by the general assembly and these minutes must be signed by the respective secretary and the leader of the meeting.
§14 Income
The funds of the society are to be raised by means of membership fees, donation and other financial contributions.