1. Conferences and courses
  2. International Workshop on Legislative Drafting and Legislation: what most importantly happened in 2019 in the Portuguese-speaking countries and regions”, University of Lisbon School of Law (November 28, 2019), which included the following presentations of i) António Kassoma (external consultant Angola), ii) João Trindade (external consultant from Brazil), iii) José Carlos Correia (external consultant from Cape Verde) , iv) José Carlos Rodrigues da Fonseca (external consultant from Guinea-Bissau), v) José Miguel Rodrigues ( Macao Special Administrative Region, China) vi) Paulo Assubuji (external consultant from Mozambique), vii) Mariana Melo Egídio & Gonçalo Carrilho and Sónia Rodrigues (Portugal), viii) Flávio Pires Pinto (external consultant from São Tomé and Príncipe), ix) Melisa Caldas (external consultant from Timor Lorosa´e).
  3. Co-organization of the international conference Do androids dream of legislative drafting? The use of AI and new technologies in legislative drafting” by the Institute for Legal and Political Sciences/Lisbon Centre for Research in Public Law School/University of Lisbon School of Law, the Korea Legislation Research Centre and the International Association of Legislation, University of Lisbon School of Law (June 7, 2019)´
  4. Workshop: advanced techniques of laws and regulations drafting, by the Institute for Legal and Political Sciences (3 to 5 April, 2019)
  5. Co-organization of the conference Lawmaking in Multi-level Settings: Federalism, Europe, and Beyond, pela International Association of Legislation, Interuniversitair Centrum voor Wetgeving (ICW) , University of Antwerp, University of Zürich, Institute for Legal and Political Sciences/University of Lisbon, Actore – Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, University of Antwerp (20 and 21 September, 2018)
  6. Organization of panel #3101 at the Research Committee on Sociology of Law of the International Sociological Association and of the Sociology of Law and Justice Section of the Portuguese Sociological Association (RCSL-SDJ), at ISCTE-IUL, on the topic “Better regulation and its importance for citizens and companies in Portuguese-speaking countries and regions”
  7. Organization of panel #81 “Common legal drafting rules for Portuguese-Speaking countries and regions, at the ICON-S 2018 conference, at the University of Hong Kong
  8. Organization of the Workshops on Legislative Drafting, with the external consultants of the research project, at the University of Lisbon School of Law, on the following topics: “International standards for legislative drafting” workshop” – Sjoerd Zijlstra – (March 15, 2018),  “Legislative Policy and Effectiveness: a (small) contribution from legal theory” – Mauro Zamboni and The layered approach” workshop, Helen Xanthaki (April 18, 2018)
  9. Post-graduation course on Legislative Drafting, organized by the Institute for Legal and Political Sciences at the University of Lisbon School of Law (April to May 2018)
  10. Course on Legislative Drafting, organized by the Institute for Legal and Political Sciences in Maputo, Mozambique (12 to 16 February, 2018)
  11. Course on Regulations and its Drafting organized by the University of Lisbon School of Law (May 17 to June 15, 2018)
  12. Workshop on Legislative Drafting in Portuguese Speaking-Countries and Regions, at the University of Lisbon School of Law (October 14, 2017), which included the following presentations and interventions: i) Breves notas sobre as regras de elaboração de actos normativos na República de Angola“, Workshop sobre Regras de Legística Formal no Estados e Regiões Lusófonas , António Kassoma (external consultant from Angola) ii) O estado atual da legística formal no Brasil“, Workshop sobre Regras de Legística Formal no Estados e Regiões Lusófonas, João Trindade (external consultant from Brazil) iii) Situação da Legística Cabo Verde: estado actual e perspectivas Workshop sobre Regras de Legística Formal no Estados e Regiões Lusófonas, José Carlos Correia (external consultant from Cape Verde) iv) O estado da legística formal na República da Guiné-Bissau, Workshop sobre Regras de Legística Formal no Estados e Regiões Lusófonas, José Carlos Fonseca (external consultant from Guinea-Bissau) v) O estado actual da legística formal na Região Administrativa Especial de Macau“, José Miguel Figueiredo ( external consultant from Macao Special Administrative Region, People’s Republic of China) vi) Regras Comuns de Legística nos Estados e Regiões Lusófonas – Uma abordagem sobre a legística formal em Moçambique“, Paulo Assubuji (external consultant from Mozambique) vii) Legística formal – Portugal”, António Delicado & Inês Marinho (Portugal) viii) “O estado da legística formal nos países da língua oficial portuguesa – O caso de São Tomé e Príncipe“, Flávio Pires Pinto (external consultant from S. Tomé and Príncipe ix) Regras de Legística – Timor-Leste“, Ana Cabral (Timor-Leste)
  13. Course on Legislative Drafting, organized by the Institute for Legal and Political Sciences for ANACOM (September 27 to November 14, 2017)
  14. Post-graduation course on Legislative Drafting, organized by the Institute for Legal and Political Sciences at the University of Lisbon School of Law (March to May 2017)
  15. Specialization course on Regulations Drafting, organized by the Institute for Legal and Political Sciences at the University of Lisbon School of Law (May 18 to June 8, 2017)
  16. Post-graduation course on Legislative Drafting, organized by the Institute for Legal and Political Sciences at the University of Lisbon School of Law (April to May 2016)

  17. Intervention at the ICON•S Mundo Conference at the panel “Challenges of Multilevel Legislation and Democratic Accountability”, on the following topics: “Implementation and monitoring of supra-state binding legal instruments: lessons learned from United Nations Conventions in Portuguese Speaking Countries” António Delicado; “The Copy/Paste Approach to Transpose EU Directives” João Silveira; “How to reconcile the drafting rules and practices of the Member-States with the rules and practices of the EU?” Rui Lanceiro; “Multilevel legislation in the Brazilian Federation: recent case law on decentralization and the emergence of conditioned federal funds transfers” João Trindade Cavalcante Filho / Victor Marcel Pinheiro (July 6, 2021).
  18. Intervention at the International Conference on “Data Technologies, New Approaches to Better Regulation”, Presidency of the Council of the European Union (EU) on the topic IT, Artificial Intelligence, Legislative Impact Assessment and Better Regulation, João Tiago Silveira (June 04, 2021).
  19. Intervention at the conference “Dia Mundial da Língua Portuguesa – A língua portuguesa como fator de integração e desenvolvimento social, cultural, comercial e económico“, at the panel “Mecanismos de reforço do português no espaço global – direito em língua portuguesa”, on the topic “Uniformização legislativa e a língua portuguesa”, João Tiago Silveira (May 17, 2021)
  20. Intervention at the “International Workshop on Legislative Drafting and Legislation: what most importantly happened in 2019 in the Portuguese-speaking countries and regions”, on the topic “Bulletin of the Observatório da Legislação Portuguesa no. 8”, Sónia Rodrigues (November 28, 2019)
  21. Intervention at the 6th Internacional Conference on Legislation and Law Reform (ILEGIS) in Washington, DC, at the breakout session 9B, on the topic “The Drafting of Common rules for Portuguese-speaking countries and regions”, António Delicado & Gonçalo Carrilho (November 15, 2019)
  22. Intervention at the international conference“Do androids dream of legislative drafting? The use of AI and new technologies in legal drafting”, at the panel “The use of new technologies and AI in legislative drafting: what about the future?”, on the topic “Will robots make it simpler? An overview on intelligent nudging and machine-readable legislation”, Raquel Franco (June 7, 2019)
  23. Intervention at the international conference “Do androids dream of legislative drafting? The use of AI and new technologies in legal drafting”, at the panel “The use of new technologies and AI in legislative drafting: what about the future?”, on the topic “Is artificial intelligence up to the task of Legislative Drafting?”, Rui Lanceiro, (June 7, 2019)
  24. Educação de qualidade e desenvolvimento na lusofonia”, at Nova Law School, at the panel “A Educação na Diáspora: Problemas e Oportunidades”, on the topic “A educação jurídica para as regras de legística na lusofonia”, António Delicado
  25. Cutting edge tools for legislative assessment” in workshop on “Evaluation of Legislation”, organized by Pazmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem, Ereky Public Law Research Center, Budapest, Hungary, João Tiago Silveira (May 3, 2019)
  26. “Administrative simplification assessment in legislative evaluation” in workshop on “Evaluation of Legislation”, organized by Pazmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem, Ereky Public Law Research Center, Budapest, Hungary, Rui Lanceiro (May 3, 2019)
  27. Intervention in the panel “RIA – The Road Ahead” conference “The Regulatory Impact Assessment in Portugal”, organized by the Government of Portugal, OCDE and European Commission, João Tiago Silveira (February 12, 2019)
  28. Interventions in panel #3101 on the topic “Better regulation and its importance for citizens and companies in Portuguese-speaking countries and regions”, at the Research Committee on Sociology of Law of the International Sociological Association and of the Sociology of Law and Justice Section of the Portuguese Sociological Association (RCSL-SDJ), at ISCTE-IUL, on the following subjects: The Rules for Legislative Drafting in Portuguese-speaking Countries and Regions Research Project” (Inês Inverno), “Observatório da Legislação Portuguesa – a análise quantitativa da lei e outras ferramentas para o exercício da cidadania (Sónia Rodrigues), The relevance of social norms within the context of regulatory impact assessment (Raquel Franco) e “A avaliação de impacto no processo legislativo governamental: o caso português (Mariana Melo Egídio) (September 12, 2018)
  29. Intervention on “How to reconcile the drafting rules and practices of the Member-States with the rules and practices of the EU?” at the panel “Legislation adopted by EU Member States to comply with their EU obligations”, at the conference “Lawmaking in Multi-level Settings: Federalism, Europe, and Beyond”, University of Antwerp, Rui Lanceiro (September 21, 2018)
  30. Intervention in the panel “Legislation adopted by EU Member States to comply with their EU obligations”, at the conference “Lawmaking in Multi-level Settings: Federalism, Europe, and Beyond”, University of Antwerp, João Tiago Silveira (September 21, 2018)
  31. Intervention on “Legal drafting rules to prevent arbitrariness in discretion, in the panel Discretion at Work – Quality of Law-Making & Migration Policy: theories, at the ICON-S conference, in Hong Kong, João Tiago Silveira (June 26, 2018)
  32. Intervention on “Common Legal Drafting Rules for the Portuguese Speaking Countries and Regions: Identification of the existing situation”, in the panel “Common Legal Drafting Rules for the Portuguese Speaking Countries and Regions”, at the ICON-S conference, in Hong Kong, João Tiago Silveira (June 26, 2018)
  33. Intervention on Rules for Legislative Drafting in Portuguese-speaking Countries and Regions – methodological approach, in the panel “Common Legal Drafting Rules for the Portuguese Speaking Countries and Regions”, at the ICON-S conference, in Hong Kong, António Delicado (June 26, 2018)
  34. Intervention in the panel Rules for Legislative Drafting in Portuguese-speaking Countries and Regions –  possible outcomes, in the panel “Common Legal Drafting Rules for the Portuguese Speaking Countries and Regions”, at the ICON-S conference, in Hong Kong, Rui Lanceiro (June 26, 2018)
  35. Intervention on “Legística: regras comuns, que vantagens?” at the V Interparliamentary Course, organized by the Parliament, João Tiago Silveira (May 21, 2018)
  36. Intervention as moderator of the workshop”International standards for legislative drafting” – Sjoerd Ziljstra, Inês Inverno (March 15, 2018)
  37. Intervention as moderator in the workshop “The layered approach” – Helen Xanthaki (April 18, 2018)
  38. Intervention as moderator in the workshop “Legislative Policy and Effectiveness: a (small) contribution from legal theory”, Rui Lanceiro (April 18, 2018)
  39. Intervention on  “Two tools for improving the quality of legislation: the use of plain language and the use of legislative assessment “ at the 2017 KLRI-IAL Conference – Challenges in legislative Reform: the effectiveness of legislative Evaluation & Methodological Approaches, organized by International Association of Legislation & Korean Legislation Research Institute in Seul, South Korea, João Tiago Silveira (June 28, 2017)
  40. Intervention on “Redação de Regulamentos e Better Regulation” at the Course on Regulations and its Drafting, organized by the University of Lisbon School of Law, João Tiago Silveira (May 19, 2017)
  41. Intervention as commentator of Fabio Pacini’s intervention “Law Revision, Law Reform and Legislation-Cutting”: Italy as a case study”, at the English Speed of Nova Law School, João Tiago Silveira (March 29, 2017)
  42. Intervention on “Políticas públicas de simplificação legislativa, at the Post-graduation course on Legislative Drafting, organized by the Institute for Legal and Political Sciences at the University of Lisbon School of Law, João Tiago Silveira (March 21, 2017)
  43. Intervention on “O procedimento legislativo governamental”, at the Legislative Drafting Course, organized by the Institute for Legal and Political Sciences for the Autoridade de Supervisão de Seguros e Fundos de Pensões, João Tiago Silveira (September 27, 2016)

  44. “The Rules of Formal Legistics in Lusophony: a Comparative View”, E-pública: Revista Eletrónica de Direito Público, Volume 8, n.º 1, Abril 2021, António Delicado, Diana Ettner, Francisco Abreu Duarte, Inês Inverno, José Miguel Figueiredo e Rui Tavares Lanceiro
  45. “Regras Comuns de Legística nos Estados e Regiões Lusófonas – Projeção no Ensino”, in Educação de Qualidade e Desenvolvimento na Lusofonia, CEDIS – Centro de I&D sobre Direito e Sociedade, 2020, António Delicado & Inês Inverno, pp. 47-69
  46. Legislative drafting tools preventing arbitrariness in discretionary powers”, The Theory and Practice of Legislation (formely Legisprudence), Volume 7, No. 1, 2019, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, João Tiago Silveira & Diana Ettner
  47. Bulletin of the Observatório da Legislação Portuguesa no. 8, December 2019 / Bulletin of the Observatory of the Portuguese Legislation no. 8, December 2019 (English version)
  48. Problemas habituais de legística na preparação e redação de leis e regulamentos”, E-pública: Revista Eletrónica de Direito Público, Volume 5, n.º 3, 2018, João Tiago Silveira.
  49. “Streamlining the Governmental legislative procedure”, Innovation of Legislative Process, Proceedings of the 11th Congress of the International Association of Legislation (IAL) in Seoul, KLRI and IAL, 2018, João Tiago Silveira
  50. As recentes alterações ao CCP e as regras de legística formal: para o restabelecimento de uma amizade desencontrada“, in Comentários à Revisão do Código de Contratos Públicos, AAFDL Publisher, 2nd ed., 2018, Inês Inverno & José Miguel Figueiredo
  51. Bulletin of the Observatório da Legislação Portuguesa no. 7, November 2017
  52. Alterações aos Códigos: Questões de Técnica Legislativa a Partir do Enquadramento Normativo da Região Administrativa Especial de Macau“, Administração n.º 118, vol. XXX, 2017-4.º, 155-178, 2017, José Miguel Figueiredo
  53. Análise quantitativa da produção legislativa, Sónia Rodrigues, 40 Anos de Políticas de Justiça em Portugal, Almedina, 2017
  54. Two tools for improving the quality of legislation: the use of plain language and the use of legislative assessment”, 2017 KLRI-IAL International Conference, KLRI-IAL, Seul, 2017, João Tiago Silveira
  55. Portuguese Trends on Better Regulation”, Journal of Legislative Evaluation, no. 10-1 (2016), Korea Legislation Research Institute, João Tiago Silveira

    Other documentation
  56. Literature review and Commentary on Law Reform in Portugal – Law Reform Project do Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Law – School of Advanced Studies – University of London
  57. The Rules for Legislative Drafting in Portuguese-speaking Countries and Regions Research Project” (António Delicado, Inês Inverno & João Tiago Silveira),  at the Research Committee on Sociology of Law of the International Sociological Association and of the Sociology of Law and Justice Section of the Portuguese Sociological Association (RCSL-SDJ), at ISCTE-IUL
  58. Portuguese Trends on Better Regulation”, Journal of Legislative Evaluation, no. 10-1 (2016), Korea Legislation Research Institute, João Tiago Silveira
  59. Programas de Better Regulation em Portugal: o SIMPLEGIS”, Diana Etnner & João Tiago Silveira, E-pública: Revista Eletrónica de Direito Público, Volume 1, n.º 1, 2014
  60. Legislative Process, Proceedings of the 11th Congress of the International Association of Legislation (IAL) in Seoul, KLRI and IAL, João Tiago Silveira
  61. A ignorância da lei não aproveita a ninguém“, in Observador, Mariana Melo Egídio (January 15, 2019)
  62. Legislar com qualidade na CPLP“, in Sol newspaper, António Delicado (June 26, 2017)
  63. Legislar Inteligentemente ou não, eis a Questão”, in Sol newspaper, António Delicado (June 2015)