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- R. Franco, “As normas sociais – sua relevância na formação dos comportamentos individuais e na realização do direito”, RCSL-SDJ Lisbon Meeting 2018 “Law and Citizenship Beyond The States”, Lisbon, Sept 2018.
- S. Rodrigues, “Observatório da Legislação Portuguesa – a análise quantitativa da lei e outras ferramentas para o exercício da cidadania”, RCSL-SDJ Lisbon Meeting 2018 “Law and Citizenship Beyond The States”, Lisbon, Sept 2018.
- R. Lanceiro, “How to reconcile the drafting rules and practices of the Member-States with the rules and practices of the EU?”, Bianual International Conference of Internacional Association of Legislation 2018 “Law-making in multi-level settings: federalism, Europe and beyond”, Antwerp, Sept 2018.
- J. Tiago Silveira, “RIA – The Road Ahead”, Conference: Regulatory Impact Assessment in Portugal, Portugal Government, OCDE and European Commission, Lisbon, Feb 2019.
- R. Franco, “Social norms and legal systems: the virtues of interaction”, English Speed Talk of University of Lisbon School of Law, April 2019.
- J. Tiago Silveira, “Cutting-edge tools for legislative assessment”, Workshop: Evaluation of Legislation, Law Research Center, Budapeste, Hungria, May 2019.
- R. Lanceiro, “Administrative simplificiation assessment in legislative evaluation”, Workshop: Evaluation of Legislation, Law Research Center, Budapeste, Hungria, May 2019.
- J. Tiago Silveira, “Problemas comuns na redação de leis e regulamentos”, Workshop: Técnicas avançadas de redação de leis e regulamentos, Instituto de Ciências Jurídico-Políticas da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal, June 2019.
- R. Lanceiro, “Is artificial intelligence up to the task of Legislative Drafting?”, International Conference: Do Androids Dream of Legislative Drafting? The Use of AI and New Technologies in Legal Drafting, Lisbon, June 2019.
- R. Franco, “Will Robots Make it Simpler? An Overview on Intelligent Nudging and Machine Readable Legislation”, International Conference: Do Androids Dream of Legislative Drafting? The Use of AI and New Technologies in Legal Drafting, Lisbon, June 2019.
- S. Rodrigues, «The Portuguese Legislation Observatory: measuring legislationas a tool for better laws», IVR Congress 2019, Lucerne, Suíça, July 2019.
- M. Cabugueira, “RIA in Portugal – ´Custa Quanto? – Fazer Contas à Lei”, Conference: Regulatory Impact Assessment in Portugal, Portugal Government, OCDE and European Commission, Lisbon, Feb 2019.
- F. Pereira Coutinho, Comentário ao Seminário “Covid-19 Crisis and the EU”, The Covid-19 Crisis and Public Law da Icon-S Portugal, 20 april 2020 (online).
- M. Cabugueira, Webinar “Avaliação Legislativa e de Impacto: Desafios e Perspectivas” , Observatório para a Qualidade da Lei, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, ICJP-CIDP and Observatório da Legislação Portuguesa, August 2020.
- Intervention at the ICON•S Mundo Conference at the panel “Transparency in the transposition of EU Directives: the cases of «nudging» and «goldplating»”, on the following topics: “Nudging as a tool: the case of the transposition of EU Directives”, R. Franco, P. Moniz Lopes and J. Silva Sampaio; “Gold-Plating‘ in the transposition of EU law: a definition”, E. Magrani, N. Alija and F. Andrade; “How to identify ‘gold plating’: challenges and solutions”, M. Cabugueira, 6 July 2021.
- Intervention at the ICON•S Mundo Conference at the panel “Challenges of Multilevel Legislation and Democratic Accountability”, on the following topics: “Implementation and monitoring of supra-state binding legal instruments: lessons learned from United Nations Conventions in Portuguese Speaking Countries”, A. Delicado; “The Copy/Paste Approach to Transpose EU Directives”, J. Tiago Silveira; “How to reconcile the drafting rules and practices of the Member-States with the rules and practices of the EU?”, R. Lanceiro; “Multilevel legislation in the Brazilian Federation: recent case law on decentralization and the emergence of conditioned federal funds transfers”, J. T. Cavalcante Filho and V. Marcel Pinheiro, 6 July 2021.
- Intervention at the ICON.S Annual Conference 2022, Wroclaw, Poland at the panel “Gold-Plating and Other Challenges for Multilevel Legislative Cycles”, on the following topics: “Gold-Plating: Context and Problematics”, E. Magrani, Cristina Rego de Oliveira, Cecília Bastos; “Gold-Plating- Methodological Approach”, M. Cabugueira, M. Farinha, F. Andrade, 5 July 2022.