International Association of Legislation-IAL Conference
24-25 October 2019, Rome

Dear all,

Just a gentle reminder for those who have not sent yet the registration form below: due to the limited room capacity it is very important that you send the form as early as possible.

Also, for those who would like to submit a paper and still did not send the paper proposal, we kindly beg you to send it as soon as you can.

The latest day for both the above mentioned fulfilment is the 20th September 2019.

Thank you very much.

We look forward to meet you in Rome on the 24th-25th October!

Best regards,

SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE: Maria De Benedetto, Nicola Lupo, Nicoletta Rangone, Helen Xantaki
ORGANIZATION COMMITTEE: Maria De Benedetto, Alessandra Gatta, Livia Lorenzoni – Luca Bartolucci, Luca Di Donato, Francesco Savo Amodio, Ludovica Sacchi.

Registration form here.