Over the last twenty years the web has fundamentally changed who is accessing legislation. The official legislation website, legislation.gov.uk, is now used by millions of people every month. Who are the new users of legislation and what do they need and expect? How might the growth in audience impact both how legislation is drafted and presented? What further changes does the web have in store for the statute book? What does it mean to think about legislation as data and legislation as code, and what contribution might these ideas make to legislation that is clear and accessible – the essence of good law?
Date: 10 June 2013 6 – 7 pm
Speaker: John Sheridan, Head of Legislation Services at The National Archives
Location: the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies
Charles Clore House
17 Russell Square
London WC1B 5DR
Registration: Please contact the SLS Administrator. There is no charge for lectures and tickets are not required. Address at: http://www.statutelawsociety.org/events