The new edition of Loophole and the Calc Newsletter were launched together this December 2023.
On the latest Loophole, Editor in Chief, John Mark Keyes says:
“This issue brings 2023 to a close with articles from authors in the Caribbean, Canada and Australia as well as a review of a monumental text on statute law in New Zealand. The articles range from the analytical role of legislative counsel to the potential role of artificial intelligence (AI) in legislative drafting. In between are articles on model laws, the interpretation of bilingual legislation and the exclusion of judicial review of legislation overriding contractual rights.”
The Newsletter covers the CALC conference in October, more on AI in various forms (including a proposed working group), e-Learning for drafters in the Caribbean, Canada’s revised drafting conventions, the view of a travelling drafter on connections between drafting offices, what Jersey has been up to, more from the Regulatory Institute, and a whole lot more
See the links to the PDF and Word versions at Loopholes and Newsletters.