The Statute Law Review welcomes proposals for special collections on priority themes in the field. A special collection is a group of articles, and possibly book reviews, edited by guest editor(s) under a common theme.
Please note that, although we will ultimately require a full proposal for review, you are welcome to reach out to Helen Xanthaki and Constantin Stefanou, co-Editors in Chief, if you would like any initial feedback before submitting a full proposal. If you choose to do so, please share 1-2 paragraphs outlining your proposal.
Please contact the co-EICs for initial feedback, or to submit a full proposal:
- Professor Helen Xanthaki:
- Dr Constantin Stefanou:
Special collection proposals can be submitted at any time
Proposals for new special collections must fall within the remit of the journal. They should be a maximum of 6,000 words in total (inc. footnotes) and include:
- A full set of contact details and biography for the guest editor(s).
- A proposed title for the special collection.
- A rationale for the special collection and the relevance to SLR of its original contribution.
- A list of confirmed contributors, with institutional affiliations.
- Titles and abstracts for each paper (usually five to ten papers per special collection; these can be articles, short articles, and book reviews).
- Details of any funding relating to articles for the special collection (external funding is not required).
- Any conflicts of interest for the guest editor(s) or authors.
- A timeline for the special collection, with milestones for completion of each stage.
- An indication of whether the special collection proposal has been, or will be, submitted to another journal and the timelines involved for their decision.
- Drafts of any papers already written (excluded from the 6,000 word count).
Proposals for special collections will be evaluated based on: their fit with the journal’s remit; their original contribution to the field; the diversity of perspectives and authors reflected in the proposed special collection; and the feasibility of the special collection being completed within the specified timeframe. We encourage submissions developed by or including scholarship from under-represented groups and welcome the inclusion of pieces written by or with practitioners. Viewpoints currently under-represented in the journal are particularly encouraged to participate.
All articles submitted for a selected special collection remain subject to the standard peer review process operated by the journal. We expect guest editors to ensure that articles are of suitably high quality before submission to the journal and reserve the right to reject, before or after peer review, any that are not. If the special collection is accepted by another journal, please notify the co-EICs as soon as possible that your proposal is no longer under consideration.
Learn more in this link: