The “Evaluation of Legislation” Conference in Budapest, Hungary, took place on May 3 2019. It was organized by Dr. Petra Lea Láncos and held at the Ereky Public Law Research Center of the Péter Pázmány Catholic University, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences.

The conference counted with the participation of national and international experts in legislation drafting, better regulation and legislation impact assessment.

Find the programme and some of the Conference presentations below:
9:00-9:30: Arrival, registration, coffee
9:30: Opening address
9:35: András Zs. Varga : (Hungarian Constitutional Court, Péter Pázmány Catholic University) „ Constitution as limitation of legislation ” (20′)
10:10: Helen Xanthaki (University College London): „ Legislative elements of post-legislative scrutiny ” (20′)
10:25: João Tiago Silveira (University of Lisbon): „ Cutting edge tools for legislative assessment ” (20′)
Coffee break 10:50-11:20
11:20: Patricia Popelier (University of Antwerp): „ Evaluation of legislation and judicial review ” (20′)
11:45: William Robinson (Institute of Advanced Legal Studies): „ The European Commission’s tools for better law making, in particular consultation, impact assessment and evaluation ” (20′)
12:10: Rui Lanceiro (University of Lisbon): „ Administrative simplification assessment in legislative evaluation ” (20′)
Lunch break 12:35-13:35
Case studies: Lessons of legislative evaluation in Hungary
13:35: Lóránt Csink (Hungarian Constitutional Court, Péter Pázmány Catholic University ): „ Evaluation of legislation in Hungary: approach, system and methods ” (15′)
13:55: Balázs Gerencsér (Ereky Public Law Research Centre, Péter Pázmány Catholic University): „ Pilot-projects and evaluation ” (15′)
14:15: Krisztina Rozsnyai (Eötvös Loránd University): „ Preliminary evaluation of the new Hungarian Law on Administrative Procedure ” (15′)
Closing: 14:35