Photo by Juliana Kozoski on Unsplash

Our first IAL’s Bi-annual meeting on legislative drafting and better regulation worldwide news is approaching. It will be held on the 27th of June (next Thursday) between 13:00-15:00 WEST via Zoom. We have a wonderful set of presentations scheduled, as you may find below.

– Helen Xanthaki (UCL Faculty of Laws/University College London) – News from Greece
– Rui Lanceiro (Lisbon Law School of University of Lisbon) – News from Portugal
– Stephan Naundorf (former chair of the OECD’s Regulatory Policy Committee) – New online tools from Germany and OECD/Australia
– João Trindade Filho (Brasilian Senate) – The new Brazilian legislation on legislative drafting
– Maria de Benedetto (Università Roma Tre) – Quality of regulation as/is anticorruption
– Leo Vester (Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security) – Drafting amendments to legislation with track changes in the Netherlands
– Robert Black (Independent Legislative Counsel) – Forthcoming book on more effective legislation for biosecurity
– Fotis Fitsilis (Hellenic Parliament) – A study for the European Commission on AI-based law-making
– Ronan Cormacain (Consultant Legislative Counsel) – Legislative compliance with international law – recent UK developments
– Fabiana Soares and Thiago Hermont (Faculty of Law, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil) – The LegisLab project: innovation laboratory in legislation and public policies in Faculty of Law of the Federal University of Minas Gerais
– Tímea Drinóczi (Faculty of Law, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil) – OSCE ODIHR Guidelines on Democratic Lawmaking for Better Laws
– Victor Marcel Pinheiro (Brazilian Institute of Education, Development, and Research) – AI tools in lawmaking: the case of the Brazilian National Congress

As an IAL member, you are all very welcome. If you haven’t received the Zoom link by email, ask for it at