The ICJP – Institute for Legal and Political Science (University of Lisbon Law School), the CEDIS – Centre for Research on Law and Society (NOVA School of Law) and the IAL – International Association of Legislation present the programme for the International Conference “Multilevel Legislative Drafting and Legislative Impact Assessment”, under the scope of the LegImpact Project, funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. (FCT), ref. PTDC/DIR-OUT/32353/2017.
International Conference “Multilevel Legislative Drafting and Legislative Impact Assessment”
Amphitheatre 8, University of Lisbon School of Law
Lisbon, July 15, 2022 (In-person and Online)
9:30 – Welcoming address
João Tiago Silveira, University of Lisbon School of Law
Mauro Zamboni, Stockholm University, President of the International Association of Legislation (IAL)
9:45 – Computer-assisted translation tools and implementation/transposition of EU multilingual legal acts
Enrico Albanesi, University of Genova, Department of Law
10:15 – Coffee-break
10:45 – Parallel sessions:
Panel I – Challenges of transposing directives (Amphitheatre 8)
Moderator: Rui Tavares Lanceiro, University of Lisbon School of Law
A top-bottom approach of Rule-as-Code in the EU context
Rute Saraiva, University of Lisbon School of Law
The Transposition of Directives by the Regions of Europe
Ricardo Sousa da Cunha, Law School, University of Minho
The California Effect: Advantages of multilevel systems and local interventions
Inês Lameiras Azevedo, European University Institute
Panel I Concluding discussion
Panel II – Multilevel Governance and legislative impact assessment (Amphitheatre 7)
Moderator: Sónia Rodrigues, Observatory of Portuguese Legislation
Multilevel constitutional reform and its dilemmas: Brazil´s Pension Reform case
João Trindade Cavalcante Filho, Federal Senate (Brazil)
An Overview of the Iranian Multi-level Governance Model: Understanding the Role of Supra-Governmental Councils in Achieving Policy Consistency and Stability
Seyed Mohamad Sadegh Emamian, Governance and Policy Think Tank, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
Post Legislative Scrutiny in Indonesia: A Misconception and Proposed Solutions
Fitriani Ahlan Sjarif; Aditya Wahyu Saputro; Efraim Jordi Kastanya, Faculty of Law Universitas Indonesia – Indonesian Center for Legislative Drafting
Panel II Concluding discussion
12:45 – Lunch break
14:30 – Presentation of methodology and results of Legimpact Project
Manuel Cabugueira, Professor at the School of Economic Sciences and Organizations, Lusófona University of Humanities and Technologies
Eduardo Magrani, PhD Researcher at Lisbon Centre for Research in Public Law (CIDP)
Cristina Oliveira, PhD Researcher at Lisbon Centre for Research in Public Law (CIDP)
Martim Farinha, Researcher and PhD Candidate of NOVA School of Law
15h00 – Discussion and Comments on the Methodology and Results of Legimpact
16h00 – Coffee-break
16:30 – Impact Assessment and Transposition of Directives in Portugal in the Future
André Moz Caldas, Secretary of State for the Presidency of the Council of Ministers
17h15 – Closing of the conference
17h30 – End
Free Entrance
Working Language: English
Programme Subject Change
All times are given in Lisbon Time (GMT +1)
For registration, please send an email to Felipe Andrade
Scientific Coordination: João Tiago Silveira, Rui Tavares Lanceiro, Manuel Cabugueira, Sónia Rodrigues.
Executive Coordination: Felipe Andrade.