The Conference is being hosted by the Parliament of Kenya and the Office of the Attorney General for Kenya. It is taking place at the Sarova Whitesands Hotel (Mombasa, Kenya) over two and half days, Monday 23 to Wednesday 25 October 2023.
You can register to attend the Conference here REGISTER FOR CALC AFRICA 2023
Call for Papers
The organization is accepting papers on matters of particular interest to drafters working in African jurisdictions. Papers should be relatively short, with successful submissions for individual presentations likely to be granted a slot of 20 minutes at the conference. Papers could alternatively suggest delivery of workshops or panel sessions.
If you wish to submit a paper, please send a 100 word abstract, and a short biography, to Dr Johnson Okello – okothokello@yahoo.co.uk and cc johnson.okello@parliament.go.ke, with the subject line “Submission for CALC Africa Conference”.
The closing date for submissions is Monday 11 September 2023.
Learn more here.