Lingua Legis is a scholarly open-access peer-reviewed journal devoted to legal and specialised translation published yearly (online and in print) by the Institute of Applied Linguistics of the University of Warsaw since 2015 (in 1994-2014 it was issued under the auspices of the Polish Society of Sworn and Specialised Translators TEPIS).

Lingua Legis aims at integrating theory and practice by publishing high-quality research papers devoted to practical aspects of specialised translation such as terminology, translation problems, linguistic accuracy, translator’s practice, etc.

The Editorial Board accepts articles, reviews and reports not published before, written in Polish or in foreign languages. The submitted papers should be 20,000 to 40,000 characters long (including spaces) and adjusted to the Author Guidelines available on the journal’s website.

Submission deadline: Vol. 30 (2022) December 31, 2021

E-mail address:   

More information here.