What role do Parliamentary Rules of Procedure play in the autonomy of Parliament? How should rules on the production of other norms be made compatible with rites of the legislative process and parliamentary participation? What can the architecture of parliament say about deliberative processes? Why does comparative law on legislative process have so much to tell us?
To answer these and other questions, the collection that is the object of the webinar brings studies on 11 countries from the Civil Law and Common Law systems. The Legislative Process has a salutary opening to society that favors the access of Law to social demands. Its rites and guarantees mirror the polyphony that political representation aims for, and the airing that republican institutions need. To talk about Parliamentary Rules is to discuss the heart of Democracy.
The event is organized by the Observatory for the Quality of Law (UFMG) and
will take place on September 2nd and 3rd, from 09:00 to 12:00 (Brasília Time).
Learn more here.