The European Commission (EC) critical of regional differences, quality of public institutions, education, science and research.
Even though Slovakia’s economy is faring well, it is lagging in various fields necessary for its further growth. This stems from the Country Report Slovakia 2019 issued by the European Commission.
The EC is critical over the weak quality and efficiency of public administration and wider business environment in Slovakia. Despite the efforts carried out within the Better Regulation Strategy (RIA2020), the insufficient cooperation between administrative levels and frequent legislative, regulatory and tax changes make government less effective.
“Efforts have been made to improve quality and competition in public procurement,” the EC wrote in its report. “Corruption continues to pose a challenge, and organisational and procedural weaknesses at the police and prosecutor’s level, as well as weak whistleblower protection, hinder the fight against corruption.”
Another challenge lies in improving the effectiveness of the justice system.
“While the overall efficiency has been improving, concerns over the perceived independence of the judiciary persist,” the EC wrote.
More information here.