The University of Valladolid, through the Institute for European Studies (Instituto de Estudios Europeos-IEE), is organizing a II CONFERENCE OF YOUNG RESEARCHERS ON THE EUROPEAN UNION, that will take place in Valladolid (Spain) in October 3-4, 2019.
The aim of the conference is to reflect on the great transformations Europe currently faces, as well as the major changes required to respond to them. We will discuss about the sustainability of European political economies, social solidarity, party systems, values, legal issues or the project of European integration.
The Conference Program Committee invites Master or PhD students and post-doctoral researchers who have submitted their thesis in the last 5 years to present their contributions for discussion at the Conference.
The research papers should relate to any of the following THEMATIC AREAS: History, Law, Economy and Politics, with a perspective from the European Integration.
The thirty best papers, in the opinion of the Scientific Committee, will be published in a special issue of the Revista de Estudios Europeos.
Deadline for submission of papers: MAY 31st, 2019 at 12 am (Spanish peninsular time).
Queries: jovenesinvestigadoresue.iee@uva.es
More information: here.