The IALS Legislative Drafting Course will take place from June 25th to July 10th 2018.
The course promotes best practices in statutory drafting, as exemplified in the work of Sir William Dale, Professor Helen Xanthaki, and Dr. Constantin Stefanou. Central to the programme is the belief that barriers between “developed” and “transitional” jurisdictions, between common and civil law traditions, between continents and countries are overrated: all drafters can learn from the experience of others provided that lessons learnt serve the same functionality test, and are subsequently naturalised in the context of national eccentricities. The rich multi-cultural, multi-lingual, and multi-jurisdictional tradition of the course as a learning environment enriches drafters with innovative solutions, and a unique preview of the insight of others who have already applied and reviewed them.
The course is suitable for both experienced and inexperienced drafters.
More information here.