The last International Association of Legislation (IAL) conference, held in September 2018 at the University of Antuerp, debated the topic of Lawmaking in Multi-level Settings.
In the afthermath of the conference, a new IAL volume has been realeased. It is entitled “Lawmaking in Multi-level Settings – Legislative Challenges in Federal Systems and the European Union”, edited by Professors Patricia Popelier, Helen Xanthaki, William Robinson, João Tiago Silveira and Felix Uhlmann and published by Nomos, Baden-Baden.
Law making is difficult enough in a simple national setting but even harder in multi-level settings such as federal states or the European Union (EU). At the central level, laws must respect the autonomy and diversity of the component units, yet be effective, coherent, simple and accessible. At the decentralized level, law makers must, within a given time, implement in their own legislative framework laws drawn up at the central level.
This volume contains selected papers from the IAL 2018 Conference at Antwerp University, namely Professor Rui Lanceiro (University of Lisbon School of Law.) The authors are experts in various disciplines and practitioners, ensuring a multi-disciplinary approach.
It covers all multi-tiered systems yet the major focus is on the EU, where the tension between autonomy and efficacy is most evident.
The volume is organized in three parts – Part I examines the topic at the broadest level, including all types of multi-tiered systems. Part II focuses on the EU perspective and Part III on the perspective of the Member States.
Adquire volume here.
Programme of the 2018 IAL conference here.