The Univerisity of Girona [Universitat de Girona] will be host the third edition of the specialization course (postgraduate) in Basis for Rational Legislation [Diploma de Experto en Bases para una Legislación Racional] from 12/09/22 to 30/01/2023.
This course is inspired by the idea that it is necessary to train, at the postgraduate level in particular, professionals specialising in legislation. Just as there is professional training for those who aspire to join the judiciary or for those who want to train as trial lawyers, it is necessary, more than ever, to train professionals who can contribute to better lawmaking and argue seriously about the law. The course, therefore, aims to provide systematic, comprehensive and methodical training in the field of legislation, bringing students up to date with modern theories of rational legislation and the most current discussions on legislation and legislative techniques.
More information here.
Registrations here.