On January 13-14 Bar-Ilan University and the Israeli Association of Legislation are hosting a virtual conference on lawmakers and lawmaking during covid-19. The full two-day program is available here (in Hebrew).
The conference includes an International Panel of experts on Legislatures during Covid-19 (in English) on January 14, whose details are below:
Date: Thursday, January 14, 2021
Time: 4pm to 5:30pm (Israel time, GMT+2).
Prof. Reuven Y. Hazan, Chair in Israeli Democracy and Politics, Department of Political Science, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem – Chair
Elena Griglio, Senior Parliamentary Official at the Italian Senate; Adjunct Professor, Department of Political Sciences, LUISS University Rome – “Trends of Parliamentary Oversight Between the First and Second Waves of the Pandemic”
Dr. Jeff King, Professor of Law, UCL, Visiting Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Oxford; Legal Adviser to the House of Lords Constitution Committee – “The Mother of Parliaments?: Westminster’s Covid-19 Performance in Comparative Perspective”
Prof. Dr. Aleksandra Maatsch, Chair of Social Sciences and Economics, DAAD Willy Brandt Center for German and European Studies, University of Wroclaw – “Illiberal Democracies During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Decline or Resilience of Parliamentary Powers?”
PD Dr. Sven T. Siefken, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Institut für Politikwissenschaft – “The German Bundestag in COVID-19: Cold Politics for a Hot Topic”
Link for registering and receiving the Zoom link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=FE4jYYdbZ0usGY_qqLqPEkgphjMsfrdMkliQqryTwXFUMzU0UzZIM1VQTUkzVTNQUTVVNlFJSktIOC4u
Finally, please also save the date for the follow-up conference at BIU on February 17-18 about Digital Governance in the Times of Covid-19, which will include panels on Algorithmic Regulation and Digital Policy Tools During Covid-19, Zoom Parliaments During Covid-19, and Online Courts During Covid-19 and Beyond.