A Conference on Law-Making in multi-level settings: federalism, Europe, and beyond will be held in September 20-21 2018, at the University of Antwerp.
The Government and Law Research Group of the University of Antwerp in collaboration with the International Association of Legislation, Interuniversitair Centrum voor Wetgeving, the University of Zürich, University College London, the Institute for Legal and Political Sciences/Lisbon Centre for Research in Public Law of Lisbon Law School/University of Lisbon, and Actore – Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, invite papers for a conference on Law-Making in multi-level settings: federalism, Europe, and beyond.
Papers are welcomed on one of the three themes: (1) Quality of Legislation in Multi-Level Settings; (2) Quality of EU Legislation; (3) Legislation adopted by EU Member States to comply with their EU obligations.
The purpose of the conference is to convene senior and junior academics as well as practitioners for a discussion on emerging questions on the quality of legislation in multilevel governance systems.
The participation in this conference is free of charge (lunch, coffee break, dinner and reception included). However, there is no budget for reimbursement of travel and lodging costs.
The conveners will publish the papers in the IAL Series (Nomos and Hart), after peer review.
Submission instructions
Interested scholars are invited to respond to this call for papers with a maximum 500 words abstract in English and a short CV. Proposals should be submitted by email to patricia.popelier@uantwerpen.be no later than 9 April 2018. Successful applicants will be selected and notified no later than 4 May 2018.
Please, direct inquiries in connection with this conference to: patricia.popelier@uantwerpen.be
Conference organizing committee
Patricia Popelier – University of Antwerp
William Robinson – European Commission, Legal Service
João Tiago Silveira – Lisbon Law School/University of Lisbon
Felix Uhlmann – University of Zürich
Helen Xanthaki – University College London
Programme of the conference:here