The Bar-Ilan University Faculty of Law, the Israeli Association of Legislation
and the Israel Science Foundation are co-organizing an international workshop on Rearranging the Arrangements Law: Comparative, Multidisciplinary, Empirical and Normative Perspectives on Omnibus Legislation.
The workshop will take place at the Bar-Ilan University Faculty of Law, from 1-3 January 2019.
Omnibus legislation is the practice of combining numerous unrelated measuresin one long bill (known in Israel as “the arrangements law”), which is often passed viaa highly accelerated process. This legislative practice has become a matter of intensedebate and criticism in Israel and in many other countries. This workshop will be thefirst international workshop that will bring together experts from various countries andvarious disciplines to explore omnibus legislation from multiple perspectives, anddiscuss possible approaches and solutions.
Academic Convener: Dr. Ittai Bar-Siman-Tov (Bar-Ilan University Faculty of Law/Israeli Association of Legislation.
Scientific Committee: Prof. Oren Perez (Bar-Ilan University Faculty of Law); Dr.Ori Aronson (Bar-Ilan University Faculty of Law); Dr. Ilana Shpaizman (Bar-IlanUniversity Department of Political Studies).Conference Coordinators: Ms. Aviva Fisch; Ms. Merav Knafo
Programme: here.
More information: events.law@biu.ac.il