The aim of the summer school is to bring together doctoral students in their first years of study and advanced master students from the fields of linguistics and law as well as other disciplines such as rhetoric, social science, and political science with a shared research interest in “law-making as discourse and action”.
Date: 28.06.2021 – 02.07.2021. Language: English
Where: Combination of virtual, audio-visual based, conference sessions and local groups (face-to-face meetings of PhDs/MAs in the immediate vicinity of the participating universities, which can be reached at low cost) depending of the local pandemy situation.
Registration is open until June 15th 2021.
For registration please send an E-Mail to including full name, affiliation, address, status (student/Phd/Post-Doc/others), discipline (Law/Linguistics/etc.), topic of Phd-Theses (if appl.) and E-Mail by June 15th, 2021, at the latest.
Programme and more information on the website of the International Language and Law Association.