Constitutional democracies have been challenged by the current pandemic which – during these months – has made manifest that regulation and regulatory enforcement are at the heart of the response to Covid-19.
Contributions devoted to the Ius Publicum special issue should focus on these public law topics (public health care systems; relationships between Parliaments and Governments; legislation; multi-level decision-making; State and subnational actors; relationships between member States and the EU; high fluidity of trust in national and European institutions; regulatory effectiveness) by analyzing in specific contexts what has worked and what has not worked in the regulatory and institutional response to the pandemic, with the purpose of highlighting good practices.
Contributions – no longer than 80.000 characters.
Proposals can be summitted sending an e-mail to
Proposals by January 31, 2021 (title + abstract max 500 words), Extended to March 5
Submission date – March 31, 2021
See the full call for papers here.
See the template for article here.